HWD Fitness Apparel was created to bring you the most innovation and creative fitness product available at an affordable cost. We as a company stand behind three words "Heart, Will, Determination". What does it mean to us? The H means Heart, to put your all into something and not only believe in it but live it. The W means Will, to believe you can do something when all others doubt you.  The D means Determination, to never quit, never give up because without struggle there is no progress.

How we got started well lets ask the CEO and Founder Omar Alomar.

A lot of people ask me what made me think of starting up a company with the meaning of HWD (Heart, Will, Determination™) and what does it mean. The meaning of HWD means so much to me since I know how much heart, will, determination you have to put in everyday, in every aspect of your life to not give up on your goals and dreams.  This company was on the verge of never being founded until one day two friends convinced me that I needed to finally start HWD FITNESS Apparel. They believed in me and in Team HWD.  I really felt like as a person I couldn’t reach out and affect as many people as I wanted but if I had a company that would attract thousands of people to join the movement that we as a team could change lives. I truly believe that each person has the ability to help motivate not only his or her family but also complete strangers to live a healthier lifestyle.  

Our goal as a company is to try and motivate at least one person a day, and if we can do that we did our job as a TEAM.  We strive to push others to live a lifestyle of motivating not only themselves but motivating others to put their Heart, Will, and Determination into everything they do.  As a Military Veteran I know you how much attention to detail you have to have in every aspect of your life.  I try to bring that self-discipline to our company as the CEO.  

Remember that that everyone’s fitness journey started somewhere. Mine started almost 7 years ago at 6’1 150 pounds soaking wet, I started working out to better myself and be in better shape to handle the military life.  Today I am 6’1 190 pounds and I am still working out everyday and looking for different ways to better myself.  It’s not how you start but how you finish.  Hope that my story and my dedication to this company will inspire and motivate you to keep pursuing your goals.  

On one last note I want to thank you for believing in not only us, but more importantly- YOURSELF.

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